
Where have I been?!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I can't believe how LONG it has been since I posted ... time has vanished before my very eyes!

Myself and some of our TAC Staff head out first thing in the morning for beautiful San Antonio, TX for our annual Leadership Conference ~ Escape.  {Boy I am SOOOOO ready to Escape!}

At Leadership we will be introducing the first edition of our new magalogue ~ our Spring Edition.  I am SOOO incredibly excited!  I will post photos when I return from the event.

I've had many wonder why I haven't been keeping up-to-date on posting photos of the kids ... well ... time is flying by faster than I can work!  Kevin (Boy) is in basketball right now and I don't really take many basketballs shots.  I haven't perfected that and it drives my hubby crazy when the flash goes off in the gym!  LOL!  Boy is having a GREAT season and has improved so much since last year.  It just amazes me how talented kids are!

Boy has games usually once a week, however, there are times when he plays twice a week.  Like this week!

Sophie is my little dancing queen and she LOVES dance this year!  She actually goes to dance 3 times a week!  WHEW!  She loves it though!

I have to say with work and the kids' schedules ... there really isn't much spare time these days!  Kevin and I are enjoying every moment of it though.  We know that both kids will be grown up and gone way before we're ready to see them go!

We're busy counting down birthdays with the birthday calendars I made the kids last year!   Sophie's Birthday Count Down   Kevin's Count Down That has been SO FUN!  They are loving it!  Sophie turns 9 on the 9th of February and Boy turns 14 on the 16th of February.  Sophie has been busy designing the cake she wants.  I'll try to remember to take a photo of it and post it on my blog ... her eye for detail will make you smile for sure!

Boy wants to have a girl | boy party for his birthday.  WOW!  Not something we've ever done before.  The girls would leave at a designated time and the boys would then sleep over.  He's pretty excited about it so I think we'll give it a try.

Well, I still have plenty to do before I have to leave in the morning so I'm going to sign off now. 



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